Our goal is to identify patients with myocardial ischemia and clinical angina and applying the appropriate combination of medical and interventional therapy along with aggressive risk factor modification to help minimize patients risk of future cardiovascular events and decrease the risk of cardiac death.
This include aggressive lipid management, blood pressure control along with smoking cessation, body weight optimization and dietary consultation.
Our objective is to identify patients with congestive heart failure and perform the appropriate diagnostic testing to identify and correct the underlying causes and implement evidence based medical and device therapy that is proven to improve symptoms and prolong survival.
Home based interventions that are built around dietary counseling, body weight monitoring, and frequent phone follow ups with outpatient adjustment of medical therapy to prevent frequent hospitalizations.
Our focus is to identify individuals who are at future risk for cardiovascular disease (Family history of heart disease, smokers, diabetics, metabolic syndrome, and patients with hypertension and high cholesterol) and apply an aggressive risk factor modification strategy to minimize the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
We provide the appropriate monitoring of the function of Cardiac Pacemakers and Cardiac Defibrillators remotely and office based and use the date to optimize medical therapy of cardiac patients.
We provide a variety of diagnostic testing to identify cardiac rhythm disturbances and apply the appropriate medical and device based therapy.
We identify patients with vascular disease using a variety of noninvasive testing modalities and apply the appropriate medical and interventional therapies to improve symptoms and minimize the risk for major adverse cardiovascular events like stroke, aortic aneurysm rupture, toe amputations, etc.
Diseases affecting heart valves are fairly common and our objective is to identify patients with valvular disease and apply the appropriate therapy, and provide the proper follow up testing to monitor the progression of the underlying pathology and provide corrective procedures to prevent adverse outcomes.